Do you trust in God that He will give you only the best for your love life? If you do, then that is the first step to haveing the best Christian dating experience. Trust in God is the key to successfully meeting your mate, the person who will make you complete. Of course, trusting in Him doesn't mean you have to sit on the couch and wait for the perfect Christian man or woman for you to drop down from heaven. God doesn't work that way.
Trusting in Him also means you have to search for the right person and what better way to meet a Christian partner than by getting the best dating service designed for Christians? Now, putting yourself out there does not mean that you have to blindly search at every on line dating site available. Online dating should be approached prayerfully with the right attitude. In this way, you'll not be tempted to stray from God's chosen road for you while dating.
Create an Online Profile that Professes Your Faith
Jesus Himself warned against being ashamed of Him and your faith, so approach your online dating as a way to witness to other people. If you announce to the world that you are a devout Christian, you'll be more attractive to the right person. Remember that nothing is more appealing to a good Christian man than a woman who is in love with Jesus Christ. So take the time to create a profile that not only reveals your interests, but also how much you love God.
Protect YourselfOnline Christian dating is a double-edged sword. On one hand, you have the benefit of meeting far more Christian singles than you would in a singles group at your local church. On the other hand, since you remain anonymous for the most part, it can also have people who have different intentions than you would. Just as Jesus Christ asks us to be vigilant of the works of the Devil, then you should also keep yourself safe while online dating. First you should not give out any personal information without being sure that you can trust the person. Create a temporary email to use and don't give out your personal one until you have established your potential date's character.
Be Friendly
When someone expresses an interest to you and emails you, give them a courteous response. Remember that it takes a lot of courage to make the first move and even if you're not interested, you should let them down easily. Write a quick message that says, "Thanks for your interest, but I think that we're not going to be a good match. Good luck with finding the right person and God bless you." This is a compassionate response to people who, just like you, are trusting in God to find the right person.
The God of the universe might be very busy but He's not too busy to hear your prayers. He understands your longing to have that special someone and He's willing to give the perfect person for you. That's why the best Christian dating is the one where God is in the center. Don't forget to pray to God about your concerns about Christian dating and never forget to read the Scriptures. You'll see that in these pages lie His answers to your questions. Pray for the best Christian dating experience and He'll certainly give it to you. You're His favorite child, after all and He wants you to find your mate according to His terms.
By Jack Landis
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