There are a lot of cheesy, insincere one-liners that you could say to your boyfriend. Don't fall for this stuff. It may work when you're joking around, but not when you're seriously trying to build your relationship.
The most important advice is to be sincere in the sweet things to say to your boyfriend. Don't feed him a bunch of lines. Here are some sweet things to say to your boyfriend.
1. I miss you when you're gone.
Do you really miss him? Then tell him. If you really mean it, he'll feel it. It will make your times apart more meaningful, and, hopefully, shorter.
2. You look good
Guys like to have their egos stroked. This will do the trick. If he looks like crap, don't say he looks good, because he knows he doesn't.
3. As he's walking away, say his name. When he turns, mouth the words "I love you."
Saying those three words in this context is very powerful. He'll either mouth to words back, or, at the very least, he'll smile.
The bottom line is that words matter. However, the way in which you say them matters most. There are plenty of sweet things to say to your boyfriend. These three will go a long way to working yourself securely into his heart.
Maintaining a strong relationship is tough. But stop complaining about how tough it is. If you're really serious about your boyfriend, check out my free report: 50 Musts to Repair & Strengthen your Relationship. It's full of advice you can use right now.
By Tim Brady
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